Monday's child is fair of face,.
Tuesday's child is full of grace,
Wednesday's child is full of woe,
Thursday's child has far to go,
Friday's child is loving and giving,
Saturday's child works hard for a living,
And the child that is born on the Sabbath day
Is bonny and blithe, and good and gay.

Saturday silently resents that she appears to be the only Woodcutter sibling who was not granted a magical name-day gift.
Sunday's journal was a vessel for writing things that came true. Peter's carving knife could breathe life into his whittlings. Friday's needle could sew any material known to man. Thursday's spyglass let her see into the past, present and future from wherever in the world she happened to be.Saturday's gift was an ax. Granted, it was useful when she worked with her father, but it was just an axe. Then it chopped down a giant beanstalk, and turned into a sword, but that wasn't even as useful as the axe it had been. Not only that, but Saturday isn't beautiful like her sisters, she's tall with broad shoulders and large hands and feet.
One day, in a fit of indignation about her misfortune, she creates an ocean in the backyard, and sets off in her sister Thursday's pirate ship. Which is a wonderful adventure, until Saturday is kidnapped by a witch who takes her to her home at The Top of the World and enslaves her to aid in her evil plans. Will Saturday be able to foil the witch and escape?
Hero is as charming and whimsical as Enchanted, and while it does make reference to characters and incidents in the earlier book, it's quite comprehensible on its own. Of course, if you read one, you'll immediately want to read the other.
FTC Full Disclosure: I borrowed this book from my local library.
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