

Stuff and Nonsense

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

My Favorite Places in Lovett, Michigan

By special guest Peg Cochran.

Lovett isn’t a real town—just one I created for my Farmer’s Daughter series and No Farm, No Foul, the first book in the series. But it’s become quite real to me! I’d like to share a few of my favorite places in Lovett with you.

1. Love Blossom Farm: Shelby McDonald lives on Love Blossom Farm with her two children Billy Jr. and Amelia. There’s an old but comfortable farmhouse with a big porch out front and plenty of rocking chairs to sit in. If you stand at the backdoor of the farmhouse, you can see the barn in the distance where Jack Sparrow, the rooster, struts his stuff, and

Patches, the calico cat, keeps the mice population at a reasonable level. The scent of manure drifts over from Jake Taylor’s pasture next door, but Shelby doesn’t mind—the scent is home to her.

2. Lovett General Store: The general store carries everything from groceries to kayaks to house paint to plumbing parts. Shelby supplies them with her homemade yogurt, herbed yogurt cheese, fresh herbs and produce that she and her family don’t need.

3. Lovett Diner: It’s not a fancy place—it’s where the locals and the late night truck drivers can get a decent meal—decent being roast turkey on white bread with mashed potatoes and gravy, the cook’s special meatloaf and eggs over easy with a pile of hash browns and half a pound of bacon.

4. Lovett Feed Store: The floors are wooden and creak when you step on them, the air smells of grain and dust motes dance in the light coming in the dusty windows. They stock all kinds of feed including pet food.

5. St. Andrews Church: Shelby has been a member all her life. Amelia and Billy sing in the choir and Shelby helps out at Women’s Auxiliary lunches and potlucks. She’s also in the knitting club although it hasn’t improved her knitting skills one bit.

Peg Cochran's greatest love has always been writing - particularly mysteries! She has two cozy mystery series from Berkley Prime Crime: The Gourmet De-Lite series set in Connecticut and featuring Gigi Fitzgerald, who provides gourmet diet meals to a select group of clients, and the Sweet Nothings Vintage Lingerie series, written as Meg London, set in Paris, Tennessee with Emma Taylor who finds murder and mayhem in this quiet country town.

When she's not writing, Peg can usually be found cooking. When asked to bring a dish to a potluck she invariably opts to bring dessert - partly because she loves making sweet dishes and partly because she and her husband always manage to be late so there's no point in putting them in charge of appetizers!

Peg loves connecting with readers and other writers so feel free to drop her an email via her contact page! And be sure to visit her other site at www.MegLondon.com.

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