

Stuff and Nonsense

Monday, April 27, 2020

An apology, and an invitation

I'm so sorry that I didn't  complete last week's National Library Week posts.

Some of you know that I have lupus, and am taking hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) for joint issues.  Most of you are also aware of the national shortage of HCQ due to the natterings of the Idiot-in-Chief.

My rheumatologist has advised me to halve my daily dose, which, apart from giving me another 2 or 3 weeks supply, has also meant that my joints are swollen and painful.  And when the joints are located in the hands and wrists, that makes it very difficult to type.

If any of my readers would like to contribute a blog post for Stuff and Nonsense, I'd be most appreciative.  

The subject matter  is up to the writer's discretion, but I'd like it to be within the general theme of this blog.  Lately, that has been lists of things to occupy oneself during this time of being homebound.  I've had a few guest bloggers recently who wrote about how they're dealing with it, if you'd like to add your voice.  (Rants about the way this is being handled by the federal government are also invited.)

If you're interested, please email me at marlyn.beebe@yahoo.com.

Thank you, and stay healthy!

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